Cloud Services

Technology Innovators Who Know Business

SAP's newest ERP platform is based on the SAP HANA database technology, which gives real-time data insights and faster access to all of your data.

Our Cloud Services

E-Strategy seamlessly integrates automated test execution as well as deep analysis of your code into the development process. Your software is robust and delivered faster and for less.

Business intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) is the process of analyzing and interpreting data to inform strategic and operational decision-making. By providing insights into key performance indicators and trends, BI helps organizations to identify areas for improvement and to make data-driven decisions.

Explore Business Intelligence

Data & AI

In recent years, cloud data and AI services have gained popularity among businesses as a cost-effective and scalable alternative for storing, processing, and analyzing enormous amounts of data.

These services are accessible over the internet and are supplied by cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Explore Data & AI

Enterprise Integration

Enterprise integration is the process of linking disparate systems and applications within an organization so that they may share data and functionality. This enables the seamless flow of information between various departments and systems, which can improve efficiency, minimize errors, and boost the overall productivity of the firm.

Explore Enterprise Integration

SAP on Cloud

SAP on cloud refers to the deployment of SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite, on cloud computing platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. This allows organizations to take advantage of the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing while still using the powerful functionality of SAP software.

Explore SAP on Cloud

Modern Workplace

Microsoft's modern workplace is a suite of products and services meant to empower employees, boost productivity, and enhance collaboration.

It is constructed on the Microsoft 365 platform, which includes major products like Office 365, Windows 10, and Enterprise Mobility + Security.

Explore Modern Workplace

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