Software Testing and QA

Technology Innovators Who Know Business

We provive functional testing, integration testing, performance testing, regression testing, release testing to provide high quality software products for your business.

Software Testing & QA

At E-Strategy, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver top-quality software products to our clients.

Functional Testing

Functional testing is a crucial part that involves testing the system and its components against the client-provided functional specifications. Functional testing guarantees that the product is useable, stable, and operates flawlessly.

In-house functional testing can be time-consuming, expensive, and resource-intensive due to the fact that modern entrepreneurs are in a race against the clock when preparing the production pipeline for several goods.

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Integration Testing

Integration testing is an integral part of the software development process, used to examine how the various components of a software system interact. This type of functional testing is essential for ensuring that software systems function properly and satisfy end-user needs.

Integration testing is characterized by examining the interface between distinct software components, such as how a web application interacts with a database.

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Performance Testing

Performance Testing is an essential check that your applications can sustain predicted volumes, by creating traffic across all layers of a system, as a real user would, from network to UI, to database and interfaces.

Performance testing is aligned with business processes in order to accurately imitate real-world application usage and evaluate system stability and reaction times under varying loads.

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Regression Testing

Regression testing is a type of testing that guarantees changes to an application's source code do not impair the old code's functionality. In software development, every change to the code for enhancements, bug repairs, or new functionality may unintentionally result in the introduction of new problems or the reappearance of old defects.

Therefore, it is always essential to guarantee that the application continues to function properly following modifications.

Explore Regression Testing

Release Testing

At E-Strategy, we offer comprehensive release testing services to ensure that your software is ready for deployment. Our team of experienced testers uses industry-leading tools and techniques to thoroughly test the stability and reliability of your software before it is released to users.

Release testing is the final stage of the software development process, and it is essential to ensure that the software is ready for deployment.

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